More Info Achim

Achim Strauss

Achim Strauss has 25 years of experience in developing and managing industrial and natural resource projects. Mr. Strauss is CEO of SARMIN Minerals Exploration (”SME”), a subsidiary of SARMIN Mining Inc. (“SMI”); SME is the majority shareholder of NewCo Mining SA and Origins Exploration Congo SA, who holds the Kanga, respectively the Loango potash exploration licenses in the Republic of Congo. Mr. Strauss was responsible to implement SME’s PFS work programme including the drilling of various exploration wells. He currently manages SME’s Definitive Feasibility Study phase which commenced in October 2019. Prior to joining SARMIN (1998 to 2009 and 2011 to 2015) Mr. Strauss managed other major potash assets from early inception to project finance. From 2009-2011 Mr. Strauss successfully undertook business development work to obtain generating licenses of up 340MW for wind and solar farms in the renewable energy sector in South Africa. He has also served in many other sectors and industries such as materials handling, magnesium metal, secondary light metals as well as expansion, revamp and modernization projects based on structured commodity finance. Mr. Strauss holds a master’s degree in mechanical/aeronautical engineering from the TH Darmstadt (Germany).
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